Create & Sell Online Courses, with Ease!

Create interactive educational courses with our unlimited cutting-edge online course creation tool. Perfect for educators, the platform makes course creation fun.

Hype Studio replaces:

thinkific kartra teaching tools and course builders

Turn Your Knowledge into Profit with Interactive Course Creation Tool

With our easy-to-use platform, you can create and sell your courses. It’s all about bringing people together and sparking great conversations.

Unlimited Courses

Create as many courses as you like, covering any topic you're passionate about.

Unlimited Students

Reach a global audience and engage with learners from all walks of life.

Unlimited Pricing

Create as many courses as you want with customisable pricing options.


Certificates are automatically given to students when they finish a course, no extra work needed.

Easy Design Tools

Craft visually stunning courses with our user-friendly design tools.

Increase Engagement

Enhance your content with videos, images, and more to make learning exciting for your students.

What's Inside Our Course Creation Tool?

Unlock the simplicity and effectiveness of our course creation tool. Easily bundle courses and track learner progress, making it simple to craft engaging online learning experiences.


Bundle Offers

Combine multiple courses into packages for a better learning experience and easier marketing and selling.


Easily track learner progress, engagement, and revenue to refine your course content and meet your audience's needs.

Email Automation

 Keep your students informed with automated emails, from welcoming them to updating them on new content and offers.


Yes, absolutely! Our platform allows you to monetize your courses and sell them to learners around the world. It’s a great way to share your knowledge and earn income.

You can create a wide range of courses covering various topics, including technology, business, arts, and more. The possibilities are endless!

Our platform provides analytics tools that allow you to track student progress, engagement, and performance. You can easily monitor how your students are progressing through your courses and identify areas for improvement.

Not at all! While expertise certainly helps, anyone with knowledge or skills to share can create a course. Our platform is designed to make course creation accessible to everyone, regardless of their background or experience level.

Unlock Success: Join with a Price That Fits

Join us today and start creating engaging and impactful courses that inspire learning and drive success!

Get the All-In-One Platform

Get the course builder with the All-in-One Hype Studio platform. It’s your go-to for Marketing, Sales, and Operations. Boost revenue, work smarter, and grow with the Hype Studio Platform. Order now, save money, and watch your business thrive.